10 Months - Let's Review!

Month 1 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What have we done?"

Month 2 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What are we doing?"

Month 3 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What is he doing?"

Month 4 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What do we do now?"

Month 5 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What's next?"

Month 6 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"Where is he trying to go?"

Month 7- Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"Where is he going?"

Month 8 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"Where did he go?"

Month 9 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What is he in to now?"

Month 10 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What was that?"

Month 11 - Overheard from mommy and daddy,
"What have you done?"


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