About Rachel


So I started blogging after the birth of my first son because I wanted to be the first to let the world know that, as a new mom, I had no idea what I was doing.  I kept blogging because people were begging me to (and by people I mean my mother).  I released my first short book of humor essays in August 2011.  Cut Film Cover to Vent, has managed to shatter all kinds of sales records in the category of "humor essay books written by women named Rachel who can't stop watching Long Island Medium even though she doesn't believe in that sort of thing." As a result, I am a sensation among my mother's friends. 

In addition to blogging and authoring, I started a traveling murder mystery party business called Make it a Mystery in 1999. It basically requires that I carry a portable crime scene around in my car at all times.  Yes, I KNOW that's very weird. I have had the great privilege to write and host murder mystery parties for corporate events and private functions over the last several years.  I wrote two full-length mystery dinner theater shows, This Song is for you, Mr. Hitler and A Christmas Carol…Competition, which were performed in GA, AL and NC.

Georgia born and raised, I have received recognition for humor writing by HumorPress and I am a featured contributor in the humor anthology, My Funny Valentine. I write a regular department for NW Georgia Living Magazine called, Fish Out of Water. 

Hop over to my portfolio to see some of my published works. 

I am married with two sons, living in suburban bliss.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by!



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