Will I Ever Understand it All?
And Sam, while we're at it, what IS it about the remote control? Does it taste like chocolate?
Why do you insist on chewing on your high chair with a mouthful of Oatmeal and Bananas? Am I not doing enough cleaning?
What is the appeal of flipping over on your changing table while I'm trying to change your diaper? When have we ever taken off a dirty diaper and not put a clean one back on?
Why do some people make you cry while others make you bat those baby blues? Are they promising you money? Extra bottles?
Who do you think I'm making the bottle for when you're pitching a fit on the kitchen floor. No one else here drinks
What is so funny?
Are you really that mad that I won't let you have my camera to chew on? Is this the hill you want to die for?
Why do you insist on putting all of the finger puffs in your mouth at once? Does someone come and steal them when I'm not looking?
Why do you chew on your sippy cup instead of drinking out of it? Do you realize the pressure I'm under at the pediatrician to tell her that you've mastered that?
I also wish, sometimes, I could read those thoughts he must have. The ones that probably say things like, "When mommy turns her head, I'm heading straight for the vaccuum cleaner again...that's where I hid the secret plans to the X300G Black Wing Speed Fighter Turbo Jet which will change the way we fly forever." and of course, "Why does mommy keep making that face and saying, ba? Sometimes her intellectually inept way of communicating with me is vexing." Ah, kids - they think the darndest things.
Later, gotta go read a little mind now.
Sam's mommy
They are all crazy. Moms, that is. Mine continues to blow raspberries at me but when I do it to strangers she gives me a look like I'm the one that's crazy. Who is the adult here? I don't think it's very hard to understand us babies. When I scream, I need a diaper change. When I scream, I am hungry. When I scream, I am tired. Is that so difficult?
I feel your pain.