New to this world...

"You should be journaling..." Those are the words I know are true but don't inspire me to journal. I've never been good at journaling or taking pictures. Well, Sam solved the picture taking...there are plenty of those. But as far as journaling goes...this is as far as I go with it...I will go the blog route. Much like journaling only a lot more generous...others can now keep up with the many adventures of Sam and his parents.

Sam's parents...funny. These people used to have names. Parents used to say hello to these people when they entered a we are Sam's parents, or more commonly, Sam's shuttle service.

I guess that as of November 18, 2007, there is nothing Andy and I'd rather be considered. Sam has entered our world and it has been turned on its head. We spent the first few weeks of parenthood, sterilizing binkies and making sure our friends dipped their hands in rubbing alcohol before they touched our child. We worried that picking him up the wrong way would do some sort of permanent damage. Well, we're not perfect, but we're not paranoid anymore either. The rubbing alcohol has been replaced with a simple request, "Please don't lick our child."

Parenthood is fun. It is a blessing in ways that I never could have listed under "pros" on a sheet to determine if we should embark on the journey or not. It's a day to day miracle (mixed in with spit-up, diapers and so much baby gear that we can't walk through our tiny house).

But if that's what it takes to be Sam's parents...Andy and I are all aboard.

Now, let's meet Sam!


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