Hey, it's Sam again. Over the right of the pumpkin with a face. Yes it is kind of creepy isn't it? I mean, you scroll down and that pumpkin follows you, staring at you. What was mom thinking? This page used to be a boy's blog, now its been attacked by cutesie non-boy yucky stuff. Do fruits and vegetables really need to have faces? I'm not so sure those are healthy images for a boy who's told to eat his fruits and veggies each day. It might scar me for life, and besides, this page doesn't go with camo.
So, to catch you up on all the girly activities that have happened lately. Mom took me to a garden party. I didn't want to be rude and tell her it didn't sound like any fun, but that is exactly what I was thinking. So the first thing I did when I got there was crawl to a nice dirty spot and eat the dirt, then I grabbed a stick and started chewing on it. I have a rep to protect, after all. How can I ever face Luke in Sunday School when he finds out I went to a garden party. He'll probably think I wore a hat and sipped tea with my pinky in the air. Yuck! At least my Aunt Jen was there. She helped me find the dirt to eat...I think she felt my pain.
Nana bought me some shoes that fit my feet. I thought they were pretty cool until I realized that they have squeaks in them. Now there is no way I can get into daddy's man lounge without being caught. The worst part is, when I was at the garden party, the dogs kept chasing me because I sounded like their chew toys. There were some pretty cute cougars there too, but its not like I could walk over to them squeaking all the way. Sheesh...picking up chicks is going to be harder than I thought. I definitely need a cool car...and no, not one that plays the stupid muffin man and fits in my play area. A real car.
Now mom keeps talking about this thing called a "costume" that she has to get me for "Halloween". Truthfully, I'm not really sure what this is, but it doesn't sound manly and tough. I'm gonna humor mom until I see what this is, but if I don't like it, I'm going to sneeze and drool on it and that is just all there is to it. Mom and I are going to have to sit down and discuss some rules, here they are.
1. Foods with faces on them are just wrong and downright creepy
2. If the chicks don't dig it, I'm not wearing it or doing it.
3. No more garden parties. I've heard about this thing called a "man card" and I sure don't want mine taken away.
Anyway, if you see mom, don't tell her I said this...she's real sensitive and I have to find a way to break it to her gently...that's okay though I've picked up some good tips on what to do and what not to do from watching dad.
Oops I hear mom...gotta go!